My name is Jessica Morari and I am a certified Life & Career Coach, specialized in Expats. In a nutshell, I help those living outside their home country shape their experience abroad and make the most of it, both personally and professionally.


You might be wondering how I ended up here.

Originally from Milan, I moved to Spain in 2015 to pursue my career as a Hotel Manager.

I found myself thousands of km aways from my family and lifelong friends, working 70+ hours per week and living a long-distance relationship.

I felt that I was surviving instead of living my life as if I meant it.

I knew I had to do something.

Out of desperation, I attended a coaching session.

I honestly didn't even really knew what coaching was back then. But from that moment everything changed.

After experiencing the power of coaching myself, I couldn't help but getting trained to bring the same change to other people around me.

Since then, I have been on the go around the world designing the life and the career that I have always dreamt about.

And here I am to help you do the same: go from surviving to thriving, in life and work living abroad.

Wondering if we might be the perfect match to work on your life and/or career?


Humor is my best friend.

I take my work very seriously and that's why I always add a bit of humor to it.

It's my best ally when I want to take the heat off on a tough day or make a coachee relax during a challenging session.

Despite running a one-woman show, I can always count on my beloved assistant. My 16-year-old pinscher, Toffee, is THE best collaborator I could ever have. She's always in for food, cuddles and emotional support.

I don't drink coffee.

I know, Italy might revoque my nationality at some point, but I really can't stand the flavor nor the smell.

I am a tea lady [and yes, I sip it raising my pinky finger].

I am a big fan of Yogi Tea!